Microinjection robot
Dispensing and sorting robot
Imaging robot
Microinjection robot for 3D cell cultures
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Micro-injection robot for 3D cell cultures

For injection of small droplets of cells into a hydrogel.

Quick facts

Creation of cell spheroids in a gel matrix
Displacement injection
Programmable injection patterns
On-site training included


For this application, cells from culture or tissue are dissociated, washed and filtered into a single cell suspension. The suspension is pipetted into a well of a 96 or 384 well plate. In the same or another plate, wells are pre-filled with e.g. collagen gel and using a set volume and location multiple wells are automatically injected with droplets of cells.

Known applications

Cancer cell spheroid migration assay

Using droplets of about 300 micrometer diameter (±10k cells) cells in the core of the spheroid will die, and act as a trigger to start migration of cells. The droplet diameter as well as the outgrowth is reproducible, making this method suitable for high content screening assays. Typical time needed for one screen is approximately 3 (cell culture cells) to 8 (primary cells) days.

Cell-cell interaction assay

In this application, cell spheroids are placed at a predefined distance of each other in a gel, and the cell-cell interaction can be studied using e.g. confocal microscopy. In addition to the distance also the time between injections can be varied, depending on your application. Using multiple cell types in one well, more complex tissues can be formed and studied.

Pricing and ordering

Based on your request and application there are different options available that will affect the price. Therefore, pricing information is only available on request. Academic discount is available, and the purchase includes on-site installation and two days of training. Commercial use requires a yearly license and service contract.

For ordering or more information, please contact us here.


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