Life Science methods will visit the following conferences:
In 2021 we started a Eurostar project to automate the zebrafish xenograft assay for drug discovery and patient diagnostics.
In this project, we have built robots for the automated injection of compounds, immune cells and cancer cells into the vasculature and perivitelline space of two day old zebrafish larva.
And, together with, we have built a fully automated confocal imaging robot, to study 3-5 days old zebrafish larva using a high speed line-scan confocal.
In 2023, together with, we will finish the final robot, a high resolution confocal imaging robot that uses a high speed, large field of view, point-scan confocal.
These robots are being used and validated in the laboratories of Bioreperia, Oslo Innovation Centre and at ZeClinics.
Our partners in this project are:
We have recently developed a gender-based sorting machine for Hyalella Azteca. The sorting is fully automatic.